Your Own NFT For Free!

This is a limited offer for the first few applications only...and can be revoked at any time. Get in quick if you want it for free!

See this link if you already own our NFTs NOTE FOR OWNERS OF OUR OLD NFTS and see the bottom of this post if you own our NFTs currently. You will be happy, and we will be providing you with a lot of freebies to say thankyou!

This offer is only to support new artists/developers/creators, or small companies. The offer is not open to large or established companies, corporates (we will work with you but not for free), or anyone manipulating markets (we will not work with you, ever). We will be checking out every application, and we will question or reject anything we don't like...

Anything submitted as part of the TDIACLS project, must meet the theme, and standards of the project. This includes the naming of any characters. However for young/new artists, and children submitting their work, we will (for free, limited time offer) work with you to convert your ideas into this theme.

Do you want your own NFTs created for free, advertised for free, promoting your work and your artwork? Note if the cost of us minting them for you suddenly increases, or there is a major market swing, we may need to review. If you want us to even manage it for you, you don't even need to set up any accounts, crypto, or do anything...

We are currently creating NFTs for Free while we work on our model. There are limitations, there are caveats, and we will not waste our time, or be involved with anything we don't like or think is dubious. And we will only accept quality, or for a good cause. 

We will do all the hard work for you, you just provide us with the image (1000*1000 pix), the name of the asset, and any text you want added, along with contact details, website links, etc. We will discuss the rest.

Note: Minting NFTs costs money, depending on the model and your requirement and amount, it costs US. We are giving away a number free (we will pick up the cost) purely for testing purposes and to confirm the model. We will own the NFT, and transfer 80-90% for large amounts, much less but no less than 50% for smaller amounts and depends on what you require here) of the assets to you. You will 100% own those assets and be in control of them, and get the full amount when you sell them. There will be a minimal transfer fee (which goes to us) whenever it is sold/transferred. There will be a Melt fee, which again goes to us.

But it costs you absolutely NOTHING while in alpha, unless you want a more complex model.

However the profits from your NFTs go completely to you. 

What do we get out of this? WHy is it free? 

This is Alpha Testing. We are rooting for the small guys, and we like doing the right thing,  If your NFT fails, we lose a small amount. If it succeeds, we may make our investment back

The actual model is work in progress. We will not create Infinite without discussing with you first. We will not create Temp Transferrable (this is to protect you). If you want Fixed Amount you will front the costs of us to go through our model.


Although we no longer work with other "Sandbox" games, we have invested a lot of time into them. We love the community, and any previous promises for any owners of our other Alpha NFT cards (bought before 11/05/2023), will be honoured. Anyone buying after this date, will also get extra bonuses, but not to the same god like extent. Do not sell or melt your assets, as some have done. 

We deliberately set the melt value high, as a sweetener for early adopters, and in case this happened, and although melting helps us as much as you, we would rather recompense you to thank you for your support. We are glad those early NFTs we created and sold at a loss have benefited some people, you may regret melting them though!

You will have freebies for the existence of the project, and be given alpha and master tokens.

If these companies change their policies and do as they promised and allow us to release our works, you get them for free, plus bonuses...We will keep our promises best we can even if these companies do not. We will also provide VoxEdit/Etc files for whatever you own, and give you Minecraft/TDIACLS NFTs, and MXSxC1 tokens for free. 

Due to the other games restrictions and breaking of promises, and dodgy policies we no longer develop "The Dark Is A Cold Lonely Shadow" or our other works anywhere but Minecraft. We would release our works if we could, but years on,  We love and support the community, we don't much like anything else these companies do.