
If you are looking for details on GreyScale Palettes, check here

Or download the grey image below...

Unfinished Some Images Are Older Versions

Mask & Respirator with Side Torch - Red & White Torch

Dagger (multiple blades, guards and handles)

Sword (multiple blades, guards, handles and versions without glow)



White Strip Lights, Display Boxes, Display Boards,

Flash & HE Grenades

Dust Storm (can't really make it out in this one video seriously compressed)

I spotted this on the last day, and thought given deadline was 1st May I had time to produce something within the last 24 hours. Seems it closed 30th April. So abandoned for now, and this is all half finished, but thought might as well run it through LightTracer anyway. Needs a lot of work but a start.

This was done in 3-4 hours creating Swords & Daggers (multiple blades/guards/hilts), Tech Mask (not finished and some of the screenshots show older version), and converting some my assets to greyscale.

This was a great process actually, and learned a quite a different perspective and let's you focus on detail. Will be doing it again for sure...

Later Version...still not happy but looking better every iteration!