
If you don't know what this website is, you are strongly advised not to accept the cookie consent, or to navigate to any other pages in this website., Project Wolverine and Project Adamantiums uses Cookies, Tracking and Analytics which are all standard google tools used by most websites. The main page, and any page such as this or privacy information will be mainly limited to Google tools and analytics.

In addition we may use 3rd party links, widgets, addons, images, sounds, etc...which may run javascript, create cookies, or track and profile you in other ways. We do not do this to track you, but we use it to track the trackers. Who watches the watchmen?

We are not doing anything different to the majority of websites out there, other than being more open about it. The advice here is no different to how you should act accessing ANY website.

Miscreat, Project Wolverine and Project Adamantium will never track, profile, sell, or compromise your data, and we will never directly record or process personal or sensitive information, or knowingly pass such information on to 3rd parties. However the tools and websites mentioned can and do track you, profile you, and sell and profit from your data.

Project Wolverine and Project Adamantium code and application may access data from this website, and open it up in your browser. By using the Wolverine and Adamantium software you accept this. It does this for validation and security checks, but is only advised for testing purposes. This will be covered in more detail in the software documentation with details on how to turn access off to this website. The default settings for these apps is NOT to open this website, and you should be very cautious and seek advice before turning this functionality on. Project Wolverine, Adamantium and it's sub-components are not currently live. If you are using it, it's fake!

If there are any forms or text inputs on this website (there are not at this time) please do not enter any sensitive or personal information in to it. We may not process or record your data but other tools may be able to record and store this information.  

All non-compliant cookies from 3rd party websites and widgets have been reviewed and removed where possible or deemed a risk. However 3rd party cookies, widgets, plug-ins, javascript, images and links can and do change. They can be altered, intercepted, and and their content can be targeted and amended based on the user (You!). This is outwith our control. We take no responsibility for the behaviour of these 3rd parties and would advise you not to use this website unless you know what you are doing. Again this is nothing new, there is nothing different, or malicious, or anything untoward, we are just being open and honest about it...

The website uses Google Analytics.

This website uses Google Tag Manager.

At this moment we do not use Google User-ID directly, however it may do in the future after consideration and testing, please assume it is switched on! 

This website has links to 3rd party websites, widgets and javascript.

This website has embedded images which may link to 3rd party websites or scripts, who add their own cookies, or use other means to track you.

Any information processed is indirect via 3rd parties, non-personal and non-sensitive. The links and tools we utilise serves a purpose - and that is not for us to identify or profile or profit from you. 

We do not use any adverts at this time, but if and when we do it will be to serve the purpose of this site, not to track or profit from you. In the unlikely event we do receive any profits from advertising, it will go the maintenance and upkeep of this project. Any excess profits will go to charity. These adverts if we introduce them are also likely tracking you!

This website is not here to profile you, it is a tool to help us protect your privacy and security. Google Cookies Google Privacy Policy GDPR